Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Panic on the streets of Burlington…

As race day approaches, I find myself panicking more and more. Try as I might, I can’t seem to improve my time on the 5K. I can’t even break 32 minutes, although I came in just over the 32 minute mark last night.

Part of the problem is I just feel like I can’t run that fast. When I push myself really hard, I run out of breath and am forced to slow down. Then I slow down too much, which affects my time. I know I need to do some more research on this, but with being away in Montreal last week, it’s been difficult. My best bet would be to go to one of the group runs at the Running Room, but since Mike has hockey tonight (when there’s a run), it’s not an option. And the next group run isn’t until Sunday – a day too late. The race is on Saturday morning.

So what do I do? First, I am going to give myself a bit of a break. I’m only competing with myself, after all, so who cares if I can’t beat me? I know that’s not really a “winning” attitude, but I only care about my time because I want to beat my own personal best time. It’s not like I even care if I come in last! (If I ran that 5K in 28 minutes, I’d be so happy, I wouldn’t care if I was 10 minutes behind everyone else!) I already know there are millions (billions?) of people in this world who can run faster than I can. (There are also billions who are smarter, better looking, make more money and have better behaved kids! If I cared about all those things, I’d never leave the house in the morning.)

I guess what I’m figuring out is that if I don’t beat my best time, it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. I know I’ll have sucky times on the 10K, the half marathon and the marathon too. The point is that I’m going to finish this race and continue working my way up to running a marathon.

Well, there’s probably a lot more for me to talk about today, but I’m overloaded with work and shouldn’t procrastinate any more. (I know… wasn’t I supposed to cut back on work this summer? Just wait until September!) I only wanted to fit in one more update before the race on Saturday.

Happy trails…

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